I was taking a quick nap in the evening and woke up to my roommate peeking in to say "Just so you know, the fire alarms been going off for a while, and we might want to leave." I thought, wow that's what that annoying racket in my dream was. The window was open in the bedroom (we are leaving it open all winter to create a glorious icebox because sleeping in the cold is great) and I heard sirens coming from outside.
I looked out the window to see a fire truck in the driveway, and several more approaching from downtown.
By the time we got gathered and figured, hey lets go down, there were a couple more in the turnabout, and still some more coming.
I figured it was just a false alarm or something till I opened the door and smelled smoke in the hall. We started down the stairwell and there was a crowd of people on floor 13, looking down the hall. I peeked in, and the smell of smoke was pretty strong. And then a couple more floors down, when the firefighters started coming up and passing us, we decided to move faster. Man they were decked out in gear and carrying hoses and whatnot, going up 13 floors. Thats gotta suck. But it couldn't be something that bad, so we figured lets just go mill about for the fun of it.
Some trucks to the side.
It was fun to see everyone who lives in the building, theres about 400 apartments.
Firefighters leaving the building.
No idea what happened still, maybe a small fire? cooking fire? Meh, it was kinda strong though.
Pretty interesting night, back to work!